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  • rachelsullivan777

It's our choice...

The book that I finished recently is entitled "It's Not Supposed To Be This Way" by Lysa Terkeurst. I had read her previous book, "Uninvited" and loved it! So....I was excited to dive into this book to pass away the time while I was sheltering in place. It is the story of the author's difficult journey through betrayal and how she was able to persevere by living moment to moment with the help of God. She states that "it is our choice whether we stay stuck in our hurt or get renewed in our hearts." I agree. We always have a choice. Not to underscore the difficulties of life at all. But we do choose our attitude. No one has control over that but ourselves. I really appreciated that at the end of each chapter there was a "Going to the Well" section that encouraged the reader to reflect upon the main points of the chapter and also included a prayer. It helped to reinforce the content and the truths that were so important. Terkeurst has a poetic way of writing that is unique and beautiful.

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