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What is Negative Self-Talk?

Negative self-talk can be called worry in its most basic form.  A significant amount of worry is based on the question beginning with the words "what if...?"  What if I locked my keys in my car?  What if I forgot to turn off the oven?  What if I forgot the lines to my speech?  Negative self-talk can only aggravate the physical symptoms of anxiety which will then produce even more negative self-talk leading to a vicious cycle that could potentially produce panic.  In her research, author Jennifer Allen discovered that the majority of our thoughts per day are negative---a full 70% (Allen, Get Out of Your Head, 2020).  This negative self-talk can stem from underlying mistaken beliefs regarding oneself, others and a clouded world perspective.  If an individual truly believes that life is always a struggle, then they will think that something is wrong if they start to feel better or more at peace.  To overcome negative self-talk, make an appointment today to begin the process!

take control of


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Stop worrying..

Just Grow With it

Dr. Rachel Sullivan of Sacred Life Counseling would like to take you on a journey.  She would like to take you down a path that will challenge you in many ways. She can help you focus your energy on what matters most to you.  She can help you live a better life.


Child and Adolescent



Low Self-Image


Academic underachievement

Behavioral issues


Learning disabilities

Peer relationships

Attention Deficit (ADHD)

Chronic pain or illness

Family conflict

Loss or grief

Postpartum depression


Choosing the right counselor is an important first step in finding the help that you need.  Be confident that RACHEL SULLIVAN is the right choice for you!


Sacred Life Counseling currently accepts private pay and insurance payments through Blue Cross Blue Shield and Blue Care Network only.

Call today at 586-580-1752!




Your Greatest Self.

Dr. Rachel Sullivan is passionate about empowering others to be all that they can be.  With over 20 years of working with youth and families, her mission is to help YOU feel confident and achieve your goals.





Four areas that are of primary concern when you are struggling with either anxiety or depression are the following:







​Proper self-care is important to your physical health but also stabilizes your emotional balance and strength.  Focus on these four areas and you will be able to build resilience when mood disorders occur.​

If the strategies that you are currently using to combat your situation are not effective you may be missing out on fulfilling relationships, work, freedom, and a physically active life.  Prepare the way for something new.


Carl Rogers

The good life is a process, not a state of being.  It is a direction not a destination.


Virginia Satir


Life is not what it is supposed to be.  It's what it is. The way you cope with it is what makes the difference.


Take note....make yourself a priority!

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There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven.



Ecclesiastes 3:1

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